Listen to This
Have you listened to my new audiobook mystery THE DEEP, DEEP SNOW yet? We’ve had more than 600 reviews on Audible in just the first five days!
I just love the voice of January LaVoy, who does the narration. This is the first time I’ve written a mystery in a first person woman’s voice, and she captures the essence of my heroine, Deputy Shelby Lake. You can click here to listen to a sample, and once you do, I think you’ll be hooked.
Remember, Audible offers a free trial if you’ve never experienced audiobooks before, and you can get the new book for FREE if you do that! This is one of my own personal favorites among all of my novels. I really hope you love it.
The Deep, Deep Snow
“The first thing you should know about me is that I believe in signs. Omens. Premonitions. I grew up believing that things happen for a reason. That’s the only way to explain why I’m alive.”
Meet Deputy Shelby Lake in my all-new audiobook mystery THE DEEP, DEEP SNOW. Exclusively from Audible, with narration by the amazing January LaVoy.
Click here to learn more and listen to a sample.
June 20: New Audiobook

Big Deal
Looking for your next summer read?
GOODBYE TO THE DEAD is a Kindle Big Deal this week…put it on your Kindle from now until June 16 for only $2.99!
Find it here:
Summer Reading
The weather is getting warmer! Are you starting to think about your summer reading list?
It’s the perfect time…because two of my Frost Easton novels, THE VOICE INSIDE (which just won the Minnesota Book Award) and THE CROOKED STREET, are both Kindle deals throughout the month of May. Several of my Jonathan Stride novels are available at terrific e-book prices, too. So put them all on your Kindle and get ready for the beach!
Coming in 2020: The Bourne Conspiracy
So…I have a little bit of news. Yes, Marcia and I have been dying to share this secret for months, and now we finally can. Putnam Books and the Robert Ludlum estate have hired ME to take over Ludlum’s famous Jason Bourne character.
Look for my new Bourne thriller THE BOURNE CONSPIRACY in 2020…!
This is truly a dream assignment, maybe the premiere opportunity in the thriller world. And on a personal level, it’s such a special honor. I’ve been a Robert Ludlum fan since I was a teenager, so having the opportunity to continue his legacy is one of the most amazing things to happen to me in my publishing career.