Stride is Back Soon
Audible Daily Deal
Calling all Audible members: Today (April 3) is the big day! THE URSULINA is the Audible Daily Deal. You can get the book — with amazing narration by January LaVoy — at a great price ($3.95!).
Click here to find it on Audible!
The Dollar Store
It’s like having your very own dollar store this month!
Four different books available for your Kindle…and each only 99 cents through the end of March…THIEF RIVER FALLS and all three Frost Easton books (THE NIGHT BIRD, THE VOICE INSIDE, and THE CROOKED STREET).
Plus a little bonus…I see that my Jonathan Stride novella TURN TO STONE is currently just 99 cents too.
Happy reading!
Best So Far
Kindle Bonanza
Whew! Lots of great e-book deals going on now…THE DEEP, DEEP SNOW and FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND just 99 cents…INFINITE just $1.99…ALTER EGO and MARATHON just $2.99…SPILLED BLOOD just $3.99…and my newest, THE URSULINA, for $5.39.
Good time to load up your Kindle!
THE URSULINA: Watch the Trailer
“Just when you think you might know where things are going, Freeman saves the biggest surprise for last…and it’s a whopper. THE URSULINA is well-plotted, intense and a heck of a fun ride.”
That’s Ray Palen of Bookreporter in his review of my latest novel, THE URSULINA.
Check out the amazing video trailer below — and then grab your copy!