Stock Up Your Kindle

I’m seeing some great e-book prices online for several of my earlier novels. SPILLED BLOOD…SEASON OF FEAR…TURN TO STONE…GOODBYE TO THE DEAD…ranging from $2.99 to $4.99 for your Kindle. Good time to dive in!


Trick or Treat

Trick or treat!

THE VOICE INSIDE begins on Halloween night…so what better week to share a video of me reading the first chapter? Grab the popcorn and have a listen.


October Deals

My two Frost Easton novels, THE VOICE INSIDE and THE NIGHT BIRD, are both Kindle Monthly Deals in October. So you can get them right now for a great price before #3, THE CROOKED STREET, arrives in January!

Click here to find them on Amazon.

The Voice Inside

Last year, THE NIGHT BIRD twisted your memories.

This year, THE VOICE INSIDE sets evil free on the streets of San Francisco. Get the latest Frost Easton thriller now before #3 arrives in January!

Fresh Fiction

Great to see ALTER EGO as today’s “fresh pick” at Fresh Fiction, one of the top reader sites on the web. The fresh picks are chosen by the site’s readers and reviewers — so thanks, everybody!

Have you read the book yet?

Book Club Picks

Attention book clubs! Are you making your fall and winter picks?

I now have book club discussion questions on my website for ALL of my novels, including this year’s books THE VOICE INSIDE and ALTER EGO. So you’re ready to open the wine and start chatting!

There’s a page with information for every book at

(Of course, discussion questions usually include spoilers, so no peeking if you haven’t read a particular book!)