Looking Forward and Back

From Marcia at facebook.com/theauthorswife:

Now that the holidays are over (we hope yours were great) and the new year is upon us, a lot of us are thinking about time…the past, the present and the future.

One of the interesting things about the publishing business for us is that Brian and I often find ourselves actually living in the past, present and the future—simultaneously.

How so…? Well, with so many of his books out in the marketplace, Brian is always hearing from readers who are reading those previous books…so we regularly revisit the characters and their experiences in the past. Just like all of us, those characters have changed and grown…and it’s fun to hear how readers relate to them, have embraced them, and grown right along with them over the years.

As for the present…with Brian’s new book coming out soon (January 29 and it’s available for pre-order right now), he’s already busily working on the next one…a book that will reach readers’ hands in the future. Indeed, the book that he’s working on now will be published about a year from now…in 2020…!

But just as none of us knows what the future has in store for us, none of us knows what the future holds for the characters in Brian’s books. Well, none of us…except for Brian, that is…and of course, he’s not telling any of us—not even me—yet…!