- Perhaps the most controversial character in this book is Cat. Do Stride and Serena make the right decision about her? Should she keep her baby?
- Brian says he likes to give his books a “you are there” feel. How does this play out in the dramatic settings of the novel?
- Have you read Brian’s other books? How do you compare a Stride series novel like THE COLD NOWHERE with his award-winning stand-alone SPILLED BLOOD?
- Duluth readers have called this the “Duluthiest” of Brian’s books…do you agree?
- Where do you see Stride and Serena’s relationship going next?
- Brian says that most crimes have “ripples” that keep spreading long after the crime itself, often for years. How does this play out in the book? In real life?
- Many different abusive relationships play out through the book. Discuss how characters such as Michaela, Cat, Dory, and Brooke all dealt with abuse in different ways.
- Which other author do you find closest to Brian in terms of style and approach?